Emergency Medical Services
The National AED Registry™ is the first and only national database resource specifically designed to help improve SCA survival rates by rapidly linking AEDs, AED users and SCA victims.
The Registry serves as a repository of important data about AEDs and related AED program personnel and infrastructure, including information about:
Individuals responsible for managing AED program sites and inspecting AEDs
The identity of AEDs by the manufacturer, make/model and serial number
The whereabouts of AEDs by physical address and specific placement location
Specific days and times of AED availability
The type and expiration dates of AED batteries and AED electrodes
Organizations that are registered in the National AED Registry™ receive the benefits of being available for EMS / 911 location services where available through the AEDLink Dispatch software.
According to the American Heart Association, cardiac arrest strikes up to 350,000 victims each year in the US alone. Up to 85% of those occur outside the hospital setting. The most important variable impacting SCA survival rates is the time it takes to deliver the first AED shock. Public health research describes the importance of delivering the first shock within 3 minutes of the moment an individual experiences SCA.
To meet this public health objective, AEDs have placed in many public settings.
Despite the rapidly growing number of publicly placed AEDs, and the need for AEDs to be retrieved and used rapidly, states and localities often lack the infrastructure to reliably and effectively track and monitor AED deployment. Further, 9-1-1 call takers and dispatchers handling SCA events generally lack critical information about the presence and location of these life-saving devices.
Today, publicly available AEDs are rarely retrieved and used because bystanders can’t see them and 9-1-1 dispatchers are typically unaware they are nearby. In fact, public access AEDs are only used to help an estimated 5% of all SCA victims – typically only when a device is clearly visible within about 50 feet of the victim’s location. Dispatcher knowledge of the whereabouts of nearby AEDs can increase the effective coverage range of each AED from 50 feet (direct line of sight) to 600 feet (available at a brisk minute walk). Knowing AED location information enables 9-1-1 agencies to help increase the number of times AEDs are used.
To address AED information challenges faced by state and local agencies, and to help make publicly placed AEDs more rapidly available and more frequently used, we have developed the National AED Registry™.